Past Projects

Formal occasions, traditional ceremonies, site-specific productions: The Shout has invaded them all.  Here is a small selection of our favourites.

Critical Mass

Forty politicians gather together for a summit meeting to discuss – well, to discuss everything


A non-narrative music-theatre piece about the tension between individual identity and group identity.

Stavanger 2008

A late-night concert, a choral invasion and a showpiece performance in a harbour.


Midnight on New Year’s Eve on the Danube. The Shout + 300 local singers + a big firework display – a gently subversive version of the usual New Year’s Eve shtick.

Tall Stories

In the early years of the 20th century emigrants flooded to New York from Europe, from China, from the Deep South. Tall Stories is a series of songs, each of which tells a story of these immigrants.