Current Members

Click on each name for the full biography. Looking for a former member? They’re here.

Matt Coombes

Matthew was a Choral Scholar at Magdalen College Oxford, and was an actor for ten years before joining IncrediBull…

Martin George

Martin has a varied career as an actor, singer and musician. He performed as singer/guitarist in rock bands…

Jonathan Glew

Jonathan Glew has forged an ecclectic career for himself across numerous creative disciplines…

Adey Grummet

Adey Grummet is a soprano who attempts to defy classification. She is also a lyricist, animateur, writer, vocal consultant…

Michael Henry

Michael Henry is a vocalist, composer, educator and music director who works across genres and disciplines…

Hazel Holder

Hazel is currently rediscovering her voice on the MA Voice Studies Course at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Melanie Pappenheim

Melanie is a singer, performer and composer. Her versatility has allowed her to explore several different genres.

Louise Sofield

Louise has performed all over the world since the age of seventeen after leaving the Italia Conti Stage School.